How to Get Involved

Foster parenting is an essential role in child welfare, but there are many other ways to help or get involved. 

Additionally, donating time, resources, or funds to organizations that support foster children and families can make a significant impact. Volunteer opportunities range from organizing fundraisers, providing transportation, preparing meals, or organizing clothing and toy drives.

By getting involved, you can make a difference in the lives of children in foster care and support families in this vital community.


Mentors provide a positive role model and offer support to children in foster care, which helps build trust and a sense of belonging. Advocates work with the child’s caseworker and attorney to ensure their needs are met and rights are protected. Additionally, donating time, resources, or funds to organizations that support foster children and families can make a significant impact. Volunteer opportunities range from organizing fundraisers, providing transportation, preparing meals, or organizing clothing and toy drives. By getting involved, you can make a difference in the lives of children in foster care and support families in this vital community.

Alternative Caregiving

Mentors provide a positive role model and offer support to children in foster care, which helps build trust and a sense of belonging. Advocates work with the child’s caseworker and attorney to ensure their needs are met and rights are protected. Additionally, donating time, resources, or funds to organizations that support foster children and families can make a significant impact. Volunteer opportunities range from organizing fundraisers, providing transportation, preparing meals, or organizing clothing and toy drives. By getting involved, you can make a difference in the lives of children in foster care and support families in this vital community.

Interested in making a donation?

If you are interested in learning more about being able to support families and children